We are finally in Africa. We left London and arrived in Africa at 8 in the mourning. We walked on the plane and went through the airport (no customs). Then we had an hour bus ride to the house. We hit the ground running. We dropped the bags of and were off to build a house for a women who had 17 children (orphans because of AIDS). We started by making a line and passing/ spreading bricks around the outline of the house. After a few of us walked about ½ a mile to go fetch water for concrete. This walk was done barefoot by some of the children. We filled the yellow containers in a reservoir and headed back, most of the children were able to easily carry the containers back, and most of the muzungos (“white people”) struggled. Once we got back a school of elementary students came and sang songs of gratitude and thanks. This was an amazing thing. During the ceremony me and some of the other men (Lee, Harrison, and Brian) put on the tribal dance skirts and danced with them. This was an amazing ceremony and a great way to start the trip. We are all exhausted from two days traveling.
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