Day 3 was much of like day 2 but much more intense. It started with me and two other college guys bringing water from the water whole to the village. This was about a mile and a half, up hill. I decided to show my stregth and carried up two of the water jugs up the mountain. I was so exhausted and hot that by the time I had reached the village I already needed a break. Then me and Harrison dug up some of the land in front of the church to use as the pastor's floor for his house. We used the shovels and dikes to loosen up the dirt, and after that we used a wheelbarrel to transport the material to the inside of the pastor's house. This was a task that truly tested my stregth, endurance, and work ethic. We also got a big rise out of the African women, because we did the task shirtless. The entire day the team work together and was able to complete the church, and build the pastor's house about half way. We then took a break, while having a snack that the villagers provided (pineapple, soda, and sugar cane). After the break, my dad took out his scrap book and took finger prints of all the villagers writing down their names and ages. I think he is truly getting the meaning, importance, and passion for the trip. While he was doing this I danced (including popping collars, as seen in the picture) and played with the children to pass the time until we were to go home. I am amazed at these people's perserverence through poverty and strife. They have shown me that family and relationships with others is the way to true happyness in life.
is dad involved in some kind of identity theft ring?
keep up the good work!
You really worked hard yesterday! And you and Harrison should have heard the women when you guys took off your shirts to work...
its not only the women in uganda that get a rise out of andy without his shirt on. its good to see you're trip is going well though. enjoying the pictures alot, good luck with the rest of it.
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